Pop-up cleanup in a special space

The Friends of Palumbo Park will continue its mini Love Your Park series on Saturday.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the cancellation of many events this year, including Philadelphia’s annual Love Your Park week in May.

In lieu of this larger event, The Friends of Palumbo Park, 723 Catharine Street, are hosting mini cleanups this summer. The second of the four cleanups is this Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m.

The first cleanup at the Bella Vista site occurred on June 20. The next two events are August 15 and September 19.

Volunteers will help improve what the Friends’ Facebook page dubs an “ever important and well-utilized public space.” To enhance the spot’s appeal, they will be joining with horticultural committee volunteers to give the park attention during the season where it typically sees the most traffic.

While we wait for word on whether the City of Philadelphia will hold its customary Love Your Park Fall Service Day in November, everything we can do to tidy neighborhood attractions will help preserve their appeal. This kid-friendly Palumbo Park maintenance outing will be a great summer outing and a solid reminder of the space’s value to nearby residents and others who appreciate clean parks as a reflection of a community’s strength.

For more information or to ask questions, contact palumbopark@gmail.com.